Blog Archive

Friday, July 19, 2013

Zombies continue to rise for Max Brooks

Zombies are definitely not dead for Max Brooks!  Brooks is the creative genius behind the penned World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide.  Unless you yourself have been hiding in a hole, you are also aware that Brooks' novel was adapted into a movie starring Brad Pitt.  This weekend Brooks will be at Comic-Con and signing his newest graphic novel The Extinction Parade.  Additionally, he will be part of a panel reviewing the upcoming video game Dead Rising 3.  My hat is off to Brooks and his continued success - keep the undead coming!  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Pardon My Rant...

Who’s driving…

Pardon My Rant, but…  who is driving the cars out there today?  I know it isn’t the people sitting behind their steering wheels.  Screw Gun Control, let’s exercise Driver Control!  Everybody is so concerned about the dangers of my guns or the multitudes of drunk drivers, but nobody seems to be talking about the risks posed by the masses of stupid people with (and sometimes without) driver’s licenses.

Just today, I counted twenty-eight ‘drivers’ actively engaged in tasks that were NOT driving.  In a thirty+ minute drive, that is just under one driver per minute that I personally witnessed aiming two ton bullets at anything near them.  Frankly, I’m disgusted by the drivers I see on the roads during those trips.  I’m fed up with texters.  I’m tired of left-lane sitters.  I’m enraged by merge lane cutters.  The rules of the roads are simple.  Pay attention, be courteous, and follow them.  If you can’t, then stay off the roads.

My recommendation is that any driver caught texting/applying makeup/doing touchdown celebrations/cutting into merge lanes/sending emails/driving in the left lane two miles under the speed limit/reading newspapers/tossing cigarette butts/watching movies/eating five-course meals/or any other general act of idiocy should be required to stand out on the middle stripe of a busy two-lane road to take their chances with their fellow distracted and dumb drivers. 

So…  if you have to talk, then buy a Bluetooth device and CALL.

If you are bored, buy a sports car.

If you missed your daily comics, read them at work.

And…  if you wear a lot of makeup, DON’T.

Let’s hear your rant on Distracted Drivers.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Zombie movie based off of comic book?

As I was searching the world for the latest and greatest zombie news across the brain-to-brain interface of the internet, I discovered a new deal that was signed less than 24 hours ago.  

Archie comics have been around, well, probably as long as the stories of the undead have been - however, Archie comics have had a new undead twist that debuted in 2013.  Yesterday evening a deal was struck with Warner Brothers to make this new comic into a movie.  Little is known about the actual plans but apparently the idea was to take the high school Archie clique and throw them in with the horror of Stephen Kings The Stand.  The director of Pitch Perfect (Jason Moore) has signed on to direct this movie while the writer from Glee (Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa) will be writing the script.  

I must admit that I fear this movie will be brain-dead from the get-go, so I have little faith that this will be attracting many zombies.  Your thoughts?  Brains or brainless?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

News of the Weird....

The plea of 'zombie insanity' seems to not be a viable option any longer.  A homeless man in Florida was caught throwing rocks at a hotel window.  The man stated that his actions were warranted since he was trying to escape from zombies.  

It didn't hold up in the court of law and they threw out his zombie defense.   

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Zombie escape plan? Need bait!

Ever consider what your zombie escape plan should be? 

  • First and foremost, remember that zombies are always craving food - you!  
  • You'll need weapons to survive and lots of them.  
  • Aim for the head!
  • Don't stand still for too long - they'll find you.
  • It's easier to survive if you are with a group.
  • Make sure you aren't the slowest member in your group.
  • Have some people in your group that you trust to protect you.
  • Have some people in your group that you can't stand - you'll need bait!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Needing a Zombie Fix?

Needing a zombie fix since The Walking Dead has ended?  Starting June 6, BBC is bringing a zombie story (In the Flesh) to American television.  This has already aired in England and a second season has already been ordered!  This is a story of a teenager who has come back from the dead.  The world around him also has others who were once undead and now mingling amongst the uninfected.  Needless to say, those who weren’t part of the ‘undead’ population aren’t too pleased about the mingling amongst the uninfected masses.  Be sure to check it out!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ultimate Zombie Experience - Welcome to Fantasy Island!

Looking for an ultimate zombie experience?  Well, look no further.  I have found your next zombie fantasy island of sorts - de plane, de plane!  (Many of you may not be old enough to remember that.)  Apocalypse Events Ltd. was founded in February and will begin its first zombie apocalypse event  in Auckland, New Zealand in the next few months.  

What will this all-inclusive fantasy entail?  Looks like you can be one of the remaining humans alive, fighting for your survival as the hordes of undead are trying to eat your brains or you can be part of the undead hunting for whatever human brains may still exist on de island!